November 7, 2021

The Wonder of the Revealed Word

Passage: Deuteronomy 29 - 1 : 9
Service Type:

The Wonder of The Revealed Word

Deuteronomy 29:29 – focal verse

Deuteronomy 29:1-9 – background passage


The covenant


1-3 – the gathering of the _________________________


4-6 – the history of His ___________________________


7-8 – the victories on their _________________________


9 – the words that will make them __________________


The Commencement


29 – the word is given for the purpose of:


__________________ – consider the weight of its Truth


__________________ – conform to the way that it Teaches


__________________ – connect to the will of its Author


Everything to be obeyed has already been disclosed                                                                               


The continuance


Revelation 22:18-19


Prophecy & Plagues


Rejoice in His Revealed Word that brought about your Redemption!

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