Church History
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church History
Mt. Pleasant Baptist has been in existence for 142 years. Church ministry history is vibrant and at its root is ‘others’ focused. We have had members serving locally in Union County, in the states of North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, West Virginia, South Dakota, Georgia, Louisiana, Iowa, and Texas. Members have also served in New York following the World Trade Center attacks. Church members have also ministered in Togo, West Africa, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Pakistan, Jamaica, and Zulu, South Africa.A disaster relief trailer was purchased and supplied with various tools for mission ministry.
Mt. Pleasant has had a long-standing history of its focus upon mission ministry. In January of 2020, the church purchased a tract of land adjacent to the church building. It is known as the Jehovah Jireh project. Today, Mt. Pleasant is still focused upon missions and possesses a desire to see the work of Christ done through its fellowship. From Sunday School classes that touch the daily needs of others and focus on spiritual growth to worship services that are Christ-exalting, this church has a very warm, welcoming atmosphere.